Our pain becomes our purpose.
To know oneself deeply is the greatest knowledge to acquire.
Laughter cures tense times.
Role models inspire, guide, and empower.
Aim and adventure toward a personal paradise; Progress = Happiness.
Enthusiasm, joy, and vitality are contagious; Soar with eagles.
Love means: "To make better."
Health means: "Wholeness."
Abracadabra means, "As I speak, so I create."
Communication fortifies relationships.
The greatest gift is being heard, listened to, and validated.
Past hurt informs future fear: Resistance = Suffering; Acceptance = Freedom.
The opposite of addiction is connection.
Tragedies become keys to castles of resiliency.
The more we give, the better perspective.
How to earn more in life: care more.
How to stress less in life: care less.
Losing creates opportunities for leadership.
Discipline is an antidote to anxiety.
Confidence comes from surviving perceived failures.
Personal Board of Advisors polish actions.
Thinking leads to inadequacy or innovation.
The best way to help oneself is to help others.
Reliable relationships are built on respect, values, and vision.
Our internal voice and self-talk program our performances.
Beliefs become behaviors... because we act out the stories we tell ourselves.
Luck and success are attracted, not chased.
Faulty foundations fall.
Religion is "what we worship."
We will always find what we look for.
Action cures fear.