

Written by Mark Glicini | Nov 22, 2024 12:15:00 AM

Abracadabra: “As I Speak, So I Create”

When we were growing up, we associated the word abracadabra with magic tricks, not realizing the depth of its meaning. A magician would pull a rabbit out of a hat or make a coin disappear behind our ear while saying, “Abracadabra.” Perhaps we thought that’s just what magicians said for no particular reason—it sounded cool. We were wrong. Those five syllables hold the power to shape our lives.

Life creates us and then we create our lives.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a field of study that examines how communication affects behavior. Much like magic, NLP is often viewed as an arcane pseudoscience because it lacks sufficient empirical evidence to establish hard-and-fast laws like those found in physics. While science focuses on matter, psychology presumes what matters. NLP emphasizes how our brains and central nervous systems interpret frequencies, signals, and vibrations to derive meaning.

An important caveat: not all communication is verbal. In fact, most communication is nonverbal… encompassing tone, voice inflection, and body language. I could dedicate an entire blog post to the capacity and importance of body language, but for now, I recommend Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk on the power of presence.

In many ways, NLP intersects with physics, particularly through its focus on energy and frequency.

Have we ever had a strong gut feeling about something, and then either listened to it or ignored it? Have we ever called ourselves or another person a “buzzkill?” Have we ever asked ourselves when contemplating going to a party or not, “What’s the vibe?”

Frequency precedes form.
Energy is caught, not taught.

Have you ever had a strong gut feeling about something, only to either follow or ignore it? Have you ever called yourself or someone else a “buzzkill”? Or have you found yourself asking, “What’s the vibe?” when deciding whether to attend a party?

Every human being “wears their heart on their sleeve,” as the saying goes, because we are all constantly transmitting varying intensities of energy.

We cannot expect to cultivate world peace if we are at war within ourselves.

Our bodies are made up of 80% water — how we think, speak, and communicate influences the peaceful nature of our inner waters, or causes tumultuous waves of dis-ease and volatility.

*** Exercise:

Set aside your technology, grab a journal, and reflect on the chapters of your life.

• When were you at your best, attracting positivity and success?

• When were you in frequent states of distress, when life was a chaotic mess?

Observe where you were, who you were with, and how you behaved during these times. Identify what matters: what actions, individuals, and routines do you wish to avoid versus re-engage? Acknowledge these insights. Accept where you are now. Articulate a plan for moving forward. Then take action.

How we carry ourselves day-to-day and moment-to-moment is essential. Our essence attracts others on the same wavelength. When we are anxious, critical, or depressed, we draw in people and situations on similar wavelengths. Conversely, when we are energized, optimistic, and uplifting, we cultivate matches made in heaven.

Put simply: the easiest way to enhance our lives is to enhance our daily energy level.

Do not underestimate the power of words and the emotional charge they carry. E-motion is energy in motion!

What would our lives look and feel like if we only spoke words that empowered us?

*** Try This:

Say out loud: “I deserve success!”

Say it again, louder.

Stand up, put your shoulders back, and say it again, even louder.

Feel those feelings.

Our words create our realities.

When in doubt, remember: Abracadabra.