More Clear, Less Fear
FEAR, often acronymed as False Evidence Appearing Real, is a negative assumption about one’s perceived reality that drives 80% of an individual’s major life decisions, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Read MoreFEAR, often acronymed as False Evidence Appearing Real, is a negative assumption about one’s perceived reality that drives 80% of an individual’s major life decisions, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Read MoreSome events are tragedies. Others are inconveniences. The way we perceive, interpret, and respond ultimately decides.
Winners lose more often than losers do.
The only reason we experience fear the present is our memory of the past.
I just returned home from a two-day, on-site visit with a DI lacrosse program. With the start of the season a week away, we discussed integrating...
Throughout my childhood, I would point to work ethic, determination, and tenacity as essential attributes among those who are successful.
An individual’s personality creates his or her personal reality.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it’s about thinking of yourself less. Humility is not about what you do know; it’s about what you do not...
President’s Letter — 2024 Reflection; 2025 Projection ...
Goals without an action plan is a wish list.